Join the first community driven online shopping experience.
ZAP IT is a premier online community harnessing the power of group buying.
We partner with both local and international brands to provide quality products directly to consumers. The company helps businesses promote their products by offering buyers a collective way to save on purchases like health and wellness products, beauty and skincare, apparel, electronics, as well as travel. By purchasing goods and services through Zap It’s E-commerce platform, customers can avail of promos and discounts exclusive only to members.
Coupled with our affiliate programs, this ensures the dynamic growth of ZAP IT’s online community which in turn will lead to even more products and better discounts for members.
The best prices for your favorite brands. Online shopping for the people by the people
For as low as P1500, be a member of the only online shopping platform in the country that puts you, our members, in control.
No more searching several shopping apps for the right price. No more having to worry about trustworthy sellers and the integrity of their items. At Zap It, we provide the products "at the" prices you need, sold by the brands you trust, and brought to your doorstep with the guarantee you deserve.
If you need it? Just Zap It!
We are future ready.
Yes! We accept crypto.
We are aware of the need for digital payment options for our purchases. At Zap It, we accept all forms of digital payments including crypto.
We accept payments using your favorite crypto tokens such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Binance Coin, USDT, even SLP!
Join the revolution in e-commerce! If you need it? Just Zap It!